The Cause of Young People’s Disinterest in Church

 A growing problem amongst churches around the world is a lack of young members in the church. Young members are what will keep churches alive when all the older members pass away. A lot of people feel that the issue is the lack of youth attendance, but there are several things preventing young people from going, including the fact that they cannot drive themselves. Other reasons include the fact that the older generations are actively trying to bridge the gap, the hypocrisy from them, and the fact that churches are not as genuine anymore. One of the main duties as a Christian is to go and tell all the good news, so the people already in the church should be the cause of the lack of youth engagement.

     The older generation has always been harder on young people because “life was harder for them”. That is very unfair to young people because even though they grew up in a more technologically advanced era, there are many obstacles that they face that are just as bad or arguably worse than what older people had to face. When they continue the narrative that life was worse in the past, it makes it hard for young people to want to connect with them which ultimately makes it harder for the older generation to lead them to church.

     A lot of people in the church can be very hypocritical. Even the preacher or head of the church can be. Everyone has a past but some people in church try to criticize others for how they decide to live. They try to play the role of God despite one of his commandments in the bible was to not judge others. Church leaders are mainly hypocritical towards young people because they try to lead them on the right path but that goes against Jesus’ character in the Bible. Jesus was loving and merciful and hypocrisy is not. 

      Churches nowadays are just as much of a business as grocery stores and casinos. They went from being a place where you can seek God and fellowship with others to being another one of people’s expenses. A lot of preachers prey and manipulate vulnerable people by making them think that money is the answer and if they give a “seed” to God, then He will be able to hear more clearly. They even try to manipulate the innocence of young people but because the world is changing they have become more conscious than older generations. A lot of young people are moving away from the wrongs of the world and they know that church is now just a place for wolves in sheep’s clothing to get away with their mess.

      The best solution for getting young people in church is by giving it to God. His Holy Spirit will convict and draw them near to him at the right time and a lot of people need to understand that. One of a Christian’s duty is to win souls for God but one of his commandments states to not force your religion on others and that is where a lot of people go wrong. The Bible states that God will heal this land when his people turn from their wicked ways so if the older generation focuses more on being less judgmental, hypocritical, and more genuine, then He will eventually put things in place where they need to be.


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